Sunday, September 7, 2008

politics and my parents

As usual my parents have the most apt comments on the political scene.

From my Dad- McCain's 'thing' is that he is a huge patriot and in truth he has dedicated his life to public service in one form or another. But in picking Sarah P he has done a truly unpatriotic thing. He is a 72 year old with health issues attempting to take on one of the most demanding, stressful jobs in the world. The odds are not great that he would finish the term. And, for a jump in the pols and some media attention he is willing to sacrifice his country by leaving it in the hands of a person who is clearly not ready for the job. It is a disgraceful decision for anyone but especially for a man who claims love of his country as his greatest legacy.

From my Mom- It always shocks me when I see people saying they vote Republican when that party clearly doesn't represents any of their social values or is even to their economic advantage. I think they believe that saying it makes people think they are rich and successful. Imagine voting based on impressing people rather than on what's best for your family. Totally disgusting.

Monday, September 1, 2008

the kids tightrope walk

So Sept is here; one kid back at college, the other back to high school. I begin the excruciating tightrope walk between involvement and intrusion, between caring and nagging. With the college one it's the line between contact and harassment. If I had my way I'd talk or e mail or IM everyday. I want to know everything about her friends, her classes, boys. But I know I have to respect her privacy and let her have her college experience without me. So I sit back and wait for her to (hopefully) initiate contact and share.
With the high schooler it's more a matter of swinging between micromanagement and letting him crash and burn all on his own. I know I can't obsess over every aspect of his academic life but on the other hand, how can I not? I am quite certain this tightrope does not come with a net.

sarah p

Frankly, I;m just completely insulted by McCann's thought that women who supported Hillary will now automatically support Sarah P. I mean does he think we're some drunk frat boy who doesn't care between one set of breasts or another. Hey, I wanted to go home with the blond from New York but i guess the chick from Alaska will do. Does McCann think women are too stupid or lazy to notice that these two women have absolutely no values or opinions in common?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

who's caroline Kennedy?

My daughter said she watch the convention with me when something good was happening. Around 9:30 i excitedly called out- come now Caroline is going to introduce her uncle. Caroline who was her response. I was floored. I probably know more about the Kennedy's than I know my own family. Just saying her name brought back a rush of images; her hiding under the desk, standing at the funeral, John-John, Jackie, all the glamour and scandal and tragedy. It is all seared into my brain so much I never thought about not knowing it. Just seeing the set of her jaw- the same Kennedy face we've been watching for generations brought a rush of emotion and hen Teddy spoke- the voice alone brought tears to my eyes.

But to my 19 year old daughter- nothing. No emotional connection to this family, no real interest who who they are , or were. Are we the last generation to have this collective Kennedy memory?